Stress-Relief is Critical for Optimal Health
Stress-Relief is Critical for Optimal Health
Stress Relief Is Critical for Optimal Health
Doing things you enjoy is a natural way to relieve stress and find your happy place. Even when you’re down, you may find pleasure in simple things like going for a walk, catching up with a friend, or reading a good book.When stress makes you feel bad, do something that makes you feel good, even if only for 10 or 15 minutes. Some of these activities may work for you:
  • Make art -- draw, color, paint, or play a musical instrument.
  • Work on a scrapbook or photo album to focus on good memories.
  • Read a book, short story or magazine.
  • Meet a friend for coffee or a meal.
  • Play a favorite sport like golf, tennis, or basketball.
  • Do a hobby like sewing, knitting, or making jewelry.
  • Play with your kids or pets – outdoors if possible.
  • Listen to music or watch an inspiring performance.
  • Take a walk in nature.
  • Take a relaxing bath and feel the stress wash away.
  • Meditate or practice yoga.
  • Work in the garden or do a home improvement project.
  • Go for a run or bike ride to clear your head.
Stress Relief Is Critical for Optimal Health
Doing things you enjoy is a natural way to relieve stress and find your happy place. Even when you’re down, you may find pleasure in simple things like going for a walk, catching up with a friend, or reading a good book.When stress makes you feel bad, do something that makes you feel good, even if only for 10 or 15 minutes. Some of these activities may work for you:
  • Make art -- draw, color, paint, or play a musical instrument.
  • Work on a scrapbook or photo album to focus on good memories.
  • Read a book, short story or magazine.
  • Meet a friend for coffee or a meal.
  • Play a favorite sport like golf, tennis, or basketball.
  • Do a hobby like sewing, knitting, or making jewelry.
  • Play with your kids or pets – outdoors if possible.
  • Listen to music or watch an inspiring performance.
  • Take a walk in nature.
  • Take a relaxing bath and feel the stress wash away.
  • Meditate or practice yoga.
  • Work in the garden or do a home improvement project.
  • Go for a run or bike ride to clear your head.